With exams just around the corner, many of you are looking for online practice questions and exams. ExamBank is a powerful resource for British Columbian students in all grades. Originally set up to help students prepare for their provincial exams, it has now been expanded to offer online study resources in academic subject areas for everyone!
By using this web site, you can join the hundreds of thousands of Canadian students who have enhanced their learning experience by writing randomized practice exams that relate directly to the curriculum as outlined by British Columbia's Ministry of Education. The computer will mark your practice exam as soon as you're done, so that you can immediately see where your strengths and weaknesses lie. As the service is entirely web-based, no software needs to be installed, and it works equally well on Windows, Macintosh, or any other computer system with an Internet connection. In addition, web delivery allows us to continually update and add content to our database of tens of thousands of questions.
To write an exam, or see the exams available, click on the grade level to the left. YOU NEED A USERNAME AND PASSWORD. PLEASE SEE MRS. KUHN IN THE LIBRARY TO GET ACCESS.
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