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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fire in my belly

Photo by Kali Butler
The burning desire that resides deep within; the unexplainable force that propels one to push their limits: Fire in My Belly. Kali could not have chosen a more appropriate name for her blog. She pushes herself to be the best she can be, mentally and physically. RSS student, and Red Mountain Academy athlete, Kali Butler, is living in Panorama, BC this winter to train and ski race as a FIS athlete. She is recording her experiences on her blog, Fire in My Belly, and you can follow her journey as she experiences the highs and lows of training, racing and living independently for the first time.  Feel free to comment on her posts.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Claremont Review's Annual Writing Contest

The Claremont Review's Annual Writing Contest is on.  Submit poems, short stories or both until March 15.  The contest is open students aged 13 to 19 and the top prize is $500.  The Claremont Review is a non-profit organization supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, Canadian Magazine Fund and Heritage Canada. All entrants receive a year's subscription to The Claremont Review. For further details go to The Claremont Review's site.