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Thursday, December 11, 2008

What's Your Issue?

What's your issue?
Here are some of the projects from Mr. Wincker's art class.  Students were asked to choose a social issue and create a piece of work reflecting the elements of the issue.  The topics range from alcoholism, body image, animal abuse, the environment, war and poverty.  The projects use a variety of mediums:  collages, paintings, 3-D models and even a long board.  Listening to the students explain their work it was obvious the issues they chose were close to their hearts.  

Thursday, December 4, 2008

100 Notable Books of 2008

The New York Times annual book review of the top 100 notable books of 2008. The list includes fiction, non-fiction and poetry. A great place to find a good read for the holidays.

Follow this link.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

1960's Research Project

The sixties were the age of youth, as 70 million children from the post-war baby boom became teenagers and young adults.  The movement away from the conservative fifties continued and eventually resulted in revolutionary ways of thinking and real change in the cultural fabric of American life.  No longer content to be images of the generation ahead of them, young people wanted change. The changes affected education, values, lifestyles, laws, and entertainment.  Many of the revolutionary ideas which began in the sixties are continuing to evolve today